Nonprofit Toolkit

We've compiled our best resources to help you plan your GiveLocalNRV campaign, optimize your page, engage peer-to-peer fundraisers and make GiveLocalNRV a success!



Have questions?



Need more assistance?

Do you need help planning for the event, want to strategize, or don't see your question listed in the above FAQ page? Reach out to Lindsey Gleason on the Community Foundation team at or 540-381-8999.

For more technical questions regarding website or donation issues, the Mightycause support staff is available to assist:

  • Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time
  • Email: 
  • Phone: 202-800-1618

Important Dates 

  • Sign up for the 2024 event closed on May 15. 
  • Early Giving Begins: Saturday, June 1
  • The 2024 GiveLocalNRV Giving Day will be noon - noon Wednesday, June 26 - Thursday June 27.



Did you miss a webinar or one of our office hours sessions? Need a refresher on the content? You'll find links to past webinars and sessions via the link below, along with short videos sharing tips for success with the giving day event.

Getting Started

For your GiveLocalNRV giving day campaign, we recommend starting with an overall plan for the day and reviewing the event rules, building your organization's page, and developing your fundraising plan. Get details on and resources for each of these steps below.

Step 1: Review planning resources & event rules.

On a navy background, a white icon depicting a curling paper with "Plan" at the top.

Goals & Strategies Planning Worksheet

Start with this planning worksheet to help you think through your goals and strategies for the giving day.

On a light blue background, a white icon depicting a paper with checkmarks.

Checklist for Success

Get more details in the 2024 GiveLocalNRV Checklist for Success, which shares tips on what to think about in the weeks and days leading up to the event.


What Donations Count Reference Sheet

Use this reference sheet to understand the rules around what donations count for the event.

On a navy background, a white icon depicting a curling paper with "Plan" at the top.

Grants & Prizes Reference Sheet

Each year, the CFNRV works with sponsors to offer incentive grants and prizes for organizations that sign up to participate in the giving day. In 2024, we are offering $20,000 in grants in prizes, with awards ranging from $500 to $1,500. 

On a light blue background, a white icon depicting a paper with checkmarks.

Early Giving Checklist

Early giving for this event starts on June 1! Is your organization prepared? In this checklist guide, we share tips on updating your organization's page, rules for the event, and more.


Download Logos & Graphics

Need logos or graphics to share in materials or in social media posts? Download the below zip files!

Download logos here: GiveLocalNRV Logos - All Download graphics here: GiveLocalNRV Graphics - All

Step 2: Build your organization's page & direct donors to it.

Step 3a: Develop your fundraising & communications plans.

Video: Giving Day Fundraising Tips in 15 Minutes

Step 3b: Build your email list & plan out your email schedule.

On a navy background, a white icon depicting a curling paper with "Plan" at the top.

What’s your GiveLocalNRV secret weapon? Your email list! Learn how to build your list in this tip sheet.

On a light blue background, a white icon depicting a paper with checkmarks.

Use these email templates to craft messages to supporters. Plus: get tips on when to send notes to folks.

Step 3c: Kick your fundraising up a notch

Consider using a new strategy this year to engage your donors! Whether you explore setting up a matching grant, ask supporters to create peer-to-peer fundraising pages, or offer the "text-to-give" feature to give donors another way to give, there are plenty ways to be creative with a giving day campaign.

Matching Grants

Want a surefire way to boost your campaign? Try matching grants! Organizations that have matching grants raise more money overall. Learn what matching grants are, who to ask, how to ask, how to use your matching grant strategically, and how to promote it.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Want to take your organization's fundraising up a notch this year? Try Peer-to-Peer Fundraising! Get your best supporters (volunteers, board members, staff, your mom, etc.) to help spread the word. 

At the most basic level, ask them to share the link to your organization's profile page during GiveLocalNRV on their social channels. To get them even more involved, ask them to create a fundraising page to help you raise funds and win prizes. Use the guide to learn more and get started!



We know that donors give in a variety of ways - from writing a check, to dropping off cash, to giving online. But what about texting? Mightycause has an easy way for donors to give by simply directing them to text a number with a "keyword" specific to your organization. The number replies with the direct link to your page so your donor can make their gift.

Be sure to make the keyword specific to YOUR organization, not something generic like "GiveLocal 2024". 

A screenshot of the steps to set up the text-to-give tool

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