Blue Mountain School Triple Your Impact!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Blue Mountain School
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2024 Matching Gift Campaign for Blue Mountain School's Future. Help us unlock $100,000 today!


raised by 79 people

$150,000 goal

Your contribution will be matched dollar for dollar by Local Business Matching Funds AND by an Anonymous Alumni Donor, meaning each $1 you donate will turn into $3

How does it work? 

Through the generosity of our community we have raised $50,000 in matching funds from local businesses and foundations! 


As an incredible added bonus, an anonymous alumni has agreed to donate a matching sum of $50,000 if we raise $50,000 in individual contributions. 


We need to raise $50,000 from individual donors (you!) to match this sum and unlock the full $100,000 for a grand total of $150,000 raised!

To learn more about how your gift will be used click a button below!

Operations: Fruit

Infrastructure: Grow

Maintenance: Roots

Use of Funds

Giving Activity



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